Don’t let anyone tell you what you can and can’t do

This one is especially important to lead a happy and good life.

Don’t ever let anyone tell you what you can or can’t do.

This is only something you can know.

People can try to influence you by pushing you down with their limited views, that doesn’t mean you have to take heed, listen or do anything at all for that matter.

It’s a lesson that took me many years to absorb. But once I did, I got a lot happier very quickly. And has been ever since.

Becoming rid of this ”bad habit” will free you up and help you grow.

You can’t control what other people say, and it’s a necessary lesson to learn how to deal with people and how to handle what shit they might spout at you or in their general surroundings.

But what you CAN control – is what you do with what they say. You(!) Choose what you do, what you think, how you Choose* to think about things that are being said.

It’s within your control to choose what you think just the same as it’s within your control how you breathe if you want to.

A lot of small-minded people can’t see past their own noses, don’t let them limit your vision and your abilities. You have endless potential and opportunities, you just gotta choose to believe it, and then make the most of it.

It all starts with 1 small step. A step that you choose, when you want to take it. It’s all up to you. Always has been. Always will be. This is at the core of independence.

Motivate, Initiate, Perservere, Achieve.

It’s a journey and it might take time to learn to see things this way, some of it may unlock with age, some of it may require certain experiences to help gain sufficient insight to reach this level of conciousness, but make no mistake, it’s as sure a thing as me writing these words for you to read on your screen 🙂

Believe in yourself, don’t take poisionous words into your atmosphere close into your body and absorb their negativity, shield yourself from it, make your own determination, keep others at a distance to easier be able to make informed decisions, choices and form your own opinions.

Life is full of people trying to push others down in order for them to elevate themselves by stepping on others, don’t let them.

You are better than that, you deserve more, we all do.

Don’t limit your own mind just because they are small-minded and weak, be stronger that I know you can be.

It’s all within you, you were born with it, you just got to find it, and learn to use it to the best of your ability.

Smart small, every journey, no matter how big, always start with just 1 single step.

And also important – allow yourself time, take the time you need. Theres no rush, you do what you can, when you can, and that’s OK 🙂

Also don’t be afraid to talk to people if you feel you might need it, you might feel lonely, but I assure you, you’re not alone.

You should believe in yourself, I do, and many others too I’m sure, even if some might not – you can choose not to care what they think, in fact, you should, you’ll be way happier and feel way better off for it.